Leadership Development services

Management Essentials for High Performance

Today's successful managers need to know how to perform under pressure, adapt to constant change, and motivate their teams to drive the outcomes they need. This program covers the core management capabilities required to delegate effectively, set the right objectives, develop and motivate teams, and adapt their style to succeed in all circumstances. Additionally, topics such as performance management, coaching, and resiliency strategies will be discussed. Delivered in one and two day session options.

Inspiring Change— How To Lead Change At Every Level

Organizations and industries change more rapidly than ever and the success of the change effort rests on how well the process is managed. Inspiring Change looks at the key drivers that empower organizations to navigate change effectively. We’ll discuss the psychology of change, the dynamics of resistance, established and emerging change management theories, how to develop strategic plans, and how to enlist and motivate change agents. Inspiring Change gives participants the tools they’ll need to manage change and to ensure that teams and organizations achieve their potential. Delivered in one and two day session options.

Mastering Executive Presence

A successful leader must be a master storyteller and a skilled improviser. Mastering Executive Presence combines proven techniques in creating a charismatic presence with the latest research on impact to help you build the bridge from effective communicator to a compelling leader. Our customized session covers a variety of speaking formats, from town hall presentations to virtual connections. You’ll leave with an approach to consistently communicate with confidence. Includes a telephone pre and post session coaching. Delivered in one and two day session options.

Leading Virtual Teams

Building a cohesive and capable team long distance is a challenge to anyone in leadership. Leading Virtual Teams provides effective tools and techniques to build trust, define roles, achieve team objectives, assess technology, empower members, and improve personal leadership skills. Additionally we’ll discuss cultural differences and how to manage the team’s performance. The sessions can be delivered either co-located or remotely and in one and two day session options.

Storytelling for Inspirational Leadership

A well-told story is one of the best ways for anyone to compel, captivate, and inspire others. It is a proven tool to boost communication effectiveness of business especially in knowledge management, organizational development, coaching, IT, and sales. This course is a must for leaders who need to communicate well across cultures, contexts, or platforms when delivering tough messages or needing to manage resistance to new ideas. You’ll know how to capture institutional knowledge, break down communication silos, and, share anecdotes that illustrate the point in a way that gets them to hear.

Leading with Emotional Intelligence

Our session is a customized approach to Daniel Goleman’s research on Emotional Intelligence. Through lecture, discussion, and improvised scenarios, leaders effectively and efficiently learn EI competencies and how to further develop them with their teams. It’s an interesting and entertaining approach to skill building that ensures leaders understand how and why EI will help them achieve better results with their teams, and improve relationships throughout their careers. Delivered in one and two day session options.

Media Training

Managing your impact in interviews requires having a focused and clear message that’s memorable and heard across all media channels. We’ll develop talking points that go beyond “sound bites” to a powerful, selling message delivered with conversational ease and sincerity. It’s a customized session that prepares for all national media such as morning shows, prime-time cable, principal NPR programs and news magazines. Includes telephone and e-mail follow-up. Customized hourly coaching. Delivered in partnership with Parkhurst Communications.

Pitch Coaching and Presenting With Others

Most pitches fail before they start because the team doesn’t follow crucial steps in the pitching process. You might have the best idea they’ve heard, but winning the business can only happen if you perform as a cohesive team who can communicate their value. This customized session will give client-facing individuals a successful approach to structuring and delivering presentations, private coaching, and influencing strategies that ensures you’re persuasive and heard. Includes pre-session assessment. Customized sessions based on team needs.